Friday, February 4, 2011


On Wednesday, Ashley and I went to go see Sophia Coppola's new movie Somewhere. I have been dying to see this movie since I first heard about it. Marie Antoinette is one of my favorite movies, and I also enjoyed The Virgin Suicides. Sophia Coppola is also known for Lost in Translation.

Sophia Coppola (above) and her well-known movies (below)
Anyway for those of you who have seen any of her movies you know that they are more about the experience and mood, than they are about the story. So I went into this movie expecting it to be artsy and different. That being said, I have mixed feelings about the movie. Overall I appreciate it for what it is. Stephen Dorff plays Johnny Marco, a movie star who lives at The Chateau Marmont and basically does nothing of importance. He takes a lot of pills, parties a lot, has strippers strip in his room nightly, etc. It's not until his daughter Cleo, played by Elle Fanning, visits for an extended period of time that he starts to want something more out of life. This is literally all you get out of the movie. There are long stretches with no dialogue. The only love story in this movie is between father and daughter. The best way I can describe my feelings is that the parts I liked in the movie, I really liked. I always love the music in her movies and the scenery. But on a whole I wouldn't recommend this to any of my friends, especially Caroline and Rebecca Jane. Nothing really happens in this movie. The beginning scene (which lasts what seems like forever) is of Johnny Marco driving his black Ferrari in circles on a makeshift race-track. One review said “The metaphor is clear: this man is going nowhere fast.” That’s the best way I have heard this described yet. Sophia Coppola has described the film as “a portrait of today’s L.A.” Somewhere won The Golden Lion prize at the Venice Film Festival (it’s the top prize). I think all of the actors did a great job! I love Elle Fanning.

This guy above was HILARIOUS in the movie. I think he just played Johnny Marco's best friend. This website had a good review of the movie:
Hope this helps those of you trying to decide if you are going to go see it!

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